Caribbean 2025
We will work with local village churches doing evangelism and neighborhood outreach. In the context of visiting families, we will share our testimony and the Gospel message. There will also be opportunities to teach classes and seminars. Our goal is to see the Gospel Message go forth to Cubans who are far from God.
Denver 2025
*College Trip* We will partner with Dwell Church and Send Relief to impact the city of Denver. Ministry to refugees opens the door to share the love of Christ with the nations. We will worship with our church plant partner, Dwell, on Sunday and get a chance to prayer walk and take church invites in their neighborhood during the week.
Las Vegas 2025
Las Vegas has a reputation of being a city where anything goes. The emptiness and isolation that comes as a result of living however you want permeates the streets. Be a part of Village Church's launch team as this brand new church plant has their first official service and help our new church planting partner push back the darkness. Be a part of compassion ministries that meet people where they are share the love of Christ to people wherever they are.
GenSend 2025 (19-25 year olds)
GenSend Summer offers students an opportunity to join God’s great story in Denver or another one of North America’s greatest cities! It is an immersive exploration of what it means to live intentionally in community while sharing the gospel in a new city.
Join a team of students for eight or six weeks, learning mission principles while living them out in the context of the city. Students will fall in love with the local people, church planters and missionaries while learning how to live on mission.
Whether it’s the beginning of a lifetime call to the city or adding new tools to a student’s mission toolkit to apply wherever God calls, GenSend Summer will prepare students for the next step in their journey and will change the way they think forever.
Nehemiah Teams 2025
There are teams that focus on evangelism, service, orphanage work, healthcare, and multimedia. Whatever your passion or field of study is, God has a place for you in His will to reach the lost world. Students who join Nehemiah Teams realize that God calls us to live for more than the things of this world that do not satisfy. We are invited to lay down our lives, join God's work and live for His glory. His name and renown are the desire of our hearts. Are you ready to have a rendezvous with destiny this summer?
Lighthouse Christian Camp 2025
Lighthouse Christian Camp serves our region by making a camp experience possible for kids from all backgrounds and shares the gospel message loud and clear while they are there. If you are high school through college age, you can invest your summer in these kids. If you are a parent or grandparent, come and serve for a week in a cabin as a surrogate for kids they may not have that kind of love and support at home.
Family Trip 2025
Stay tuned for details about this economical trip to a drivable destination where families can serve together. Contact Heather if you are interested in getting in on this trip in the planning stage.